Tools We Love: Vine
Video marketing is on the rise… and rapidly so! It’s a social necessity for business.
There’s no doubt that in 2014, capturing video content is going to become even more powerful and continue to get easier! It’s relatively simple to capture content quickly, edit it (a bit), add some music, throw some visuals and titles and then put it on YouTube, Vimeo etc choice and share across the universe.
Video has more clout, indeed up to ten times more clout than text. It’s ultimately though the power of the content and how persuasive it is that wins out!
For now, at least, it is already pretty straight forward to edit video from your phone, tablet or laptop, even with free phone/tablet apps like Viddy or Magisto through to the desktop regulars like Windows Movie Maker or iMovie – all of which have become a relative joy to use for simple video editing. You can even do animated content with things like Powtoon for relatively little fuss.
Yet, for instant clout on social media, the short form is a winner – think of Instagram’s success. Vine is now a year old, with 40 million registered users, and with its clever understanding of the ‘now’, it completely fits into the social media universe and its constituent channels: it has twitter, Facebook and Instagram in its DNA.
For Vine virgins, you are probably asking how it works? Well it captures six seconds of time simply by pressing on the screen – you can stop, start and do something akin to an instant edit Kubrick style (dare I compare) – but ultimately six seconds is your limit. It then allows you to share and watch other videos and do the sharing bit that other social media platforms do.
Here’s what I did earlier … capturing six seconds of coffee making in an independent coffee shop in Birmingham (thank you Urban Coffee Company).
Vine is quite simply one of the easiest (and impactful) ways of capturing a few seconds of killer content without any need for editing, scripting. It tells a story succinctly, and for the small independent business on limited budget, storytelling alters user behaviour and get people thinking about your products.
Have some fun with Vine and then also consider the myriad of other video marketing apps and tools out there.
Enjoy. Till next time.
Link – the 15 greatest Vines (Telegraph).