Tools We Love: Any.DO
This week’s Digital Tool of the Week is the task-tastic app Any.DO
Please put your filofax down for a minute. In my ever-increasingly digital reliant world where paper has less meaning, I must admit that I love time management tools which keep you abreast of what you’re up to, or supposed to be up to, and remind you (at your preference) of these facts.
In the app-ridden world in which we live, the time management arena is getting pretty vast. If you’ve used them, then you’ll be familiar with so many of the more famous ones such as Wunderlist or Remember The Milk. As a predominant Chrome user, I’ve even used Google Tasks to fulfil many of those basic time management functions.’s premise is quite simple – it “helps you remember everything you have to do.”
Any.DO Moment from Any.DO on Vimeo. is available on Google Play, App Store and as numerous extensions for whichever web browser you use.’s benefits include tried and test time management essentials that we all need when we have our smartphone, tablet or laptop on the go.
- Syncing of all to-dos on the move
- Adding reminders so as to not forget a thing
- Attaching additional notes, or use them as sub-tasks.
- Voice recognition
- Smart auto-complete that remembers previous tasks/jobs.
There are some added benefits too, such as:
- A drag and drop function
- Embedded Gmail features which allow you to quickly turn emails into actions – that’s very cool
Also, be sure to have a look at their sister app Cal. Marry up with Cal? The makers of also have an Calendar app, which like will fully integrate with iphone/ipad and android.
The continued functionality meets simplicity quotient of apps never fails to impress me. continues in that tradition. Go check it out for yourself.
More digital tools next week! Till then….
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