Tools We Love – IFTTT.
IFTTT stands for If This Then That and is one of the most essential web tools out there. Here’s why!
It’s 2014 and one of my goals is always to make life digitally as simple and effective as possible.
IFTTT is all about simplicity! No coding! No faff! And it’s free!
It has become something of a lifesaver and phenomenon for the automation of small and essential tasks, a short cuts for apps, social media and cloud based software (transferring, syncing, copying and pasting, posting and reposting).
For example, “if someone tags a photo of me on Facebook, then save a copy of that photo to Dropbox” or “sync a file from dropbox to sugarsync when you add it” or “post your tumblr blog on wordpress automatically”.
IFTTT call these solutions ‘recipes’ and you can create you own really easily or browse through the many, many recipes created by people eager to make their lives easier. Point at what solution you need, click on it, and let ifttt do its magic.
The “this” part of a Recipe is called a Trigger. Some example Triggers are “I’m tagged in a photo on Facebook” or “I check in on Facebook”. The “that” part of a Recipe is called an Action. Some example Actions are “send me a text message” or “create a status message on Facebook”. The combination of a Trigger and an Action from a user’s active channels are called Recipes
IFTTT released a version of the service for iphone in 2013, adding three channels: iOS Photos, Reminders and Contacts.
NOTE: A new Android version has recently launched (April 2014).
I love it and I hope you do too.