Creative Knowledge has a mobile version
We have installed the brilliant WordPress Mobile Pack on this site which means that it will now make everything we do and say viewable on all mobile browsers. From our perspective, it also means we can access WordPress Dashboard options on the move far more simply without losing the functionality of the normal WP dashboard.
The mobile version will work on any phone with an HTML browser so whether you have the latest smartphone or something from an older era, it should be able to handle the content of this website well.
There’s also an array of options to customise the layout and functionality of the mobile version.
Thanks to Terence Eden for allowing me to be the guinea pig for this WP plugin at UKGovCamp last weekend.
Try it for yourself! Remember minimum data is good providing it is mobile friendly for both new and old phones:
- it respects the user
- it is mindful of mobile internet speeds
- we are still in a world where pay per megabyte is commonplace.
- Download it here for your WP site:
- Visit the WP plugin designer Terence Eden‘s fantastic blog: www.